
Episode 6: Connecting to the EL and bilingual community with Adelfio Garcia

Amy and Joi boxing
Teaching and Learning: Theory vs. Practice with Dr. Amy and Dr. Joi

In this episode, we talk to Adelfio Garcia, a retired public school administrator who consults on English language and bilingual professional development. He discusses building community within and beyond the school building and using data to inform practices rather than support existing practices.



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Facebook: @GSUCollegeofEducation


Episode 5: Embracing technology in the classroom with Laurie Hendrickson

In this episode, we talk to Laurie Hendrickson, a retired middle grades teacher and current student teacher supervisor.  She discusses technology in the classroom and what has worked for her when learning new tools, building classroom community, and engaging students in inquiry. Apple Amazon Twitter: @Working2gether @avujaklija @Governors_State Facebook: @GSUCollegeofEducation


Episode 2: Administration in K-12 Schools with Dr. David Conrad

In this episode, we speak to Dr. David Conrad, professor of Educational Administration at Governors State University. Dr. Conrad discusses trends in principal leadership in the State of Illinois, including responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Episode 1: Meet Dr. Amy and Dr. Joi

Teaching and Learning: Theory vs. Practice with Dr. Amy and Dr. Joi In “Meet Dr. Amy and Dr. Joi” find out how we plan for the day, how teaching brings meaning to us, and why we decided to start a podcast.  We mention the Map of Meaningful Work, originally a business-world concept, and discuss our […]

Tired and Overwhelmed – I Hear You

My middle grades teaching career began in August 2003 when I found a teaching job in line with the guidelines for the Master of Arts in Teaching alternative route to certification.  My family moved from the metro suburbs to a rural community. Yes, we moved one day, and I attended a teacher inservice the next. […]


Happy Hour

Educators depend on time and space for professional conversations and collaboration to improve classroom instruction. Often these collaborative efforts are planned as part of professional development workshops or professional learning community sessions. Yet, what we need even more are conversations that “fill” us when we’re tapped out. Some of the most meaningful, innovative, “light-bulb” moments for […]


Laughter Finding Us

Chickens. Chickens crossed to our house from the farm across the road. Amidst the worry about work issues, the anxiety about my daughter’s college move-in, and our endless organization tasks that need to happen now (not a month or a year from now, but now), I laughed. I laughed at chickens marching toward the mower. […]

Remote-Ready Teaching: Facebook Live Info Session

Talking live on Facebook about education was a first.  Dr. Joi Patterson and I discussed remote-ready and physically-distanced instruction with Rama Diab, a Governors State University education student and local district substitute teacher. The planning for this event sparked enthusiasm for an ongoing Facebook Live and podcast series “Conversations in Education” with various subtopics.  I […]